“Better Than I Deserve” Script Sticker
Original design from Sola Gratia Co. made into durable vinyl stickers; scratch, water, and sun resistant.
Also available as part of our Encouragement Week 2022 Sticker Pack.
This design comes from a sweet man from the church I came to Christ in as a young teenager. Whenever anyone asked how he was doing, he’d reply “better than I deserve.” He (and his family) were used by the Lord in ways that have shaped me greatly.
What do you think you deserve?
We obviously tend to think very highly of ourselves and what we deserve often as we covet what others have (that should be ours, right?), become jealous of others (because people should think as good, if not better, of us) and the pride and frustration with which we interact with those around us (as we know better than they do and are clearly beneath our level of understanding). And that doesn’t even touch our inclination toward self-righteousness as believers—to glory in our good deeds and puff ourselves up.
What do we really deserve in the eyes of a holy God in exchange for our rebellion against Him?
Romans 6:23
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
“The reason why death is the result of sin is, that sin deserves death. Death is due to it in justice. There is the same obligation in justice, that sin should be followed by death, as that the laborer should receive his wages. As it would be unjust, and therefore wrong, to defraud the laborer of his stipulated reward, so it would be unjust to allow sin to go unpunished…But the gift of God, the free, unmerited gift of God, is eternal life…Sin deserves death; holiness is itself the gift of God, and is freely crowned with eternal life. The idea of merit is everywhere and in every way excluded from the gospel method of salvation. It is a system of grace, from the beginning to the consummation. It is in Christ, as united to him, that we are made partakers of eternal life. Jesus Christ and his gospel…effectually secure what the law never could never accomplish...”
-Charles Hodge
Praise God for His mercy—may it lead us to repentance, humility and loving obedience.